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Signs of Emotional Abuse: Causes and Effects of Emotional Abuses, the Perfect Guide to Be Emotionally and Spiritually Balanced - Emotional First Aid

Author: Paul H. Ciccarelli

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1675403996
ISBN 13: 978-1675403990

The book is not addressed to specialists, but to the victims of emotional abuse of all kinds. 

The fact is that perhaps you come across this book is not accidental. 

Indeed, emotional abuse and its consequences are one of the most difficult to resolve. Of course, it is very desirable, and often just necessary, to involve the participation of a psychotherapist, and not just any, but a very good specialist in this area.

But the help of such a therapist is not available to everyone and not always. 

Even in top cities, it is not so easy to find a suitable specialist. 

At the same time, there is certain knowledge and techniques that it is advisable for each victim to possess in order to alleviate its consequences, to reduce the likelihood of a recurrence of a difficult event, to diagnose his condition and understand how much professional help we need and, if necessary, choose a professional.

Psychology is one of the sciences of the soul (from the Greek psyche - soul). And our soul is designed so that we ourselves can influence its state, and much more quickly and efficiently than the state of any material part of our being - than our bones, skin, or flesh. 

Achieving a harmonious state of our soul, when it feels purity, beauty, strength, joy, love, is the main life task of every person. 

Moreover, this is not an intermediate task by which we become more successful in material life, but the most basic one. And in this book, I have given all the necessary means to achieve it. 

The psychotherapist has many methods of helping us, but the main means are with us, in our power.

Unfortunately, as a rule, we think about the state of our soul (and often the very fact of owning it) in situations when the soul begins to hurt - when it becomes ill. 

But you can look at it from the other side. 

It’s bad that we didn’t do our soul enough before. And the fact that now we have come to the need to deal with it is a positive fact.

Every crisis is a crisis of growth. 

And the situation of abuse does not irrevocably break our personality. It presents us with a choice: to break or grow

The fact that you are holding this book speaks volumes. First of all, you are alive. This is already half the victory. Secondly, your hands and mind are working, you can read and think. This is enough for a complete victory. 

You are able to overcome this crisis and is able to go out as an older, stronger, deeper person - to discover in your personality and in the surrounding world something that you still have not noticed, but which is really very important for you, which will make your life better.

This book alone will not solve all your problems. But it will help to overcome part of the difficulties. And most importantly - it will open the way for you to further work on yourself.

I wish you, like a willow, to show flexibility and vitality in this situation, to free yourself from the severity of what happened (or is happening) and straighten yourself, rushing towards the light and warmth of universal Love.

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