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The Addiction Cure: The addiction recovery pocket handbook

Author: Christopher Walker

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1093390158
ISBN 13: 978-1093390155

End your addictions in days not months by following simple tips

All the advice of 10 books in 1!

 "The Addiction Cure”, is a fast, simple to read and novel approach to combating your addictions.

Gone are the days of needless filler.

I have written this book to be as concise and “to the point” as possible.

In "The Addiction Cure" you will learn:

  • How addictions develop and strengthen. This is important because unless you understand how addiction works, you will struggle to beat it.

  • Why you can’t just “stop” doing what you’re doing, it’s not as simple as that and I explain exactly why.

  • How to learn to be the master of your thoughts so you never feel you are weaker than your addiction. I can assure you that you are fully in control.

  • How addiction can be far more harmful than you might think. It can lead you down a path that can be very hard to escape unless you understand exactly how.

  • What the different types of addiction are, they don’t all work in the same way, so you may have to treat yours differently from someone else’s. I teach you how to do this.

After reading and acting on the tips provided, you will:

  • Gain control over the inner voice nagging you to indulge your addictions
  • Break the cycle of: initial use, withdrawal and then relapse" 
  • Fully understand why it has been so difficult for you to quit your addictions in the past, and the tried and tested methods to do it once and for all.

If you feel that you have finally hit rock bottom and cannot let your addiction control your life any longer, but want to understand the problem and be able to start fixing it in the same week, this is the book for you!

Addiction can ruin relationships, careers and take you away from the life that you once loved, but it doesn't have to!

You can fix it, it’s not complicated and…….

It doesn’t have to take years!   

So what are you waiting for? Read "The Addiction Cure" and treat yourself to the life you deserve!