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The Inner World of the Psychopath: A definitive primer on the psychopathic personality

Author: Steve Becker LCSW

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1508525110
ISBN 13: 978-1508525110

The psychopath, or sociopath, is an individual with a chilling disregard for the harm he or she causes others in the pursuit of his or her interests. In his new book, "The Inner World of the Psychopath: A Definitive Primer on the Psychopathic Personality," Steve Becker, LCSW, shines a laser focus on the psychopath's violating mentality. Avoiding the sensationalism rife in so many other accounts of psychopaths, Becker examines how psychopaths think, view others, and rationalize their alarmingly exploitative behaviors. Illuminating the psychopath's baffling, disturbing attitudes with vivid examples, Becker provides lay readers and clinicians alike with a lucid, concise, yet comprehensive, understanding of what makes psychopaths tick.