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Living with Intent: A Journal That Taps Into Conscious $ Subconscious Programming to Create Lasting Change

Author: Michele Lee Nieves

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1650508786
ISBN 13: 978-1650508788

Living With Intent is a 6 month journal designed in a way that utilizes both the conscious and subconscious mind to create change. Without being able to penetrate our subconscious programming - any efforts toward lasting change will always be hijacked by the beliefs that live there. Rather than flooding our minds - with just 5 minutes a day, over a period of 6 months you will slowly and steadily ( as opposed to fast and not lastingly) uproot limiting beliefs while planting beliefs that are in harmony with the real you. This journal uses 3 different ways of integrating your subconscious mind and conscious mind so that they work together: 1) By utilizing coaching questions that are designed to provide your subconscious with a map to your preferred future.2) Visualizations that helps your brain create change - since our brain does not distinguish between reality and imagination.3) An affirmation trick that helps you to create evidence of the beliefs you want to strengthen. Use this 6 month journal to create lasting change for yourself, and pick up a copy for a friend or loved one so they can join you on this journey.