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All Great Moms F*ck Swear: Cussing Coloring Book For Mothers | When Motherhood Gets Too Tough (Sarcastic Coloring Books For Cool Women)


Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1657595986
ISBN 13: 978-1657595989

Being a mother is, without a doubt, one of the best things in the world. Nothing, literally NOTHING can compare to the endless love and overwhelming happiness of being a mom, but... it doesn't mean that everything is sparkles and rainbows. Far from.


This coloring book is dedicated to all greatm o m s , who love their children and really enjoy their family life, but now and then simply need a f*cking break. A free quarter from burps and diapers, from being the only one who can feed/change/put to sleep/calm down/sing/wash and cook. And that sh*t only gets worse, when the more experienced mamas find out that yesterday's babies have turned into teenage monsters (overnight!) and vigorously shout  "I f*cking hate you" (just because you politely ask to turn down the music/clean the room/take the dog out or not to fart at the family dinner). And please don't mention dads! Even if they still stick around (oh wow!), what the heck do they know about being a mother?!


So next time, when you feel like you can't deal with this crazy, out of control motherhood rollercoaster, reach for this book and color the frustration away. It will be much better, cheaper and healthier than most of the other "cures" we can think of.


Some of the features of this Sweary Coloring Book For Moms are:

  • Happy cover in the matte finish
  • Big size (8 x 10 inch/20,3 x 25,4 cm)
  • Single-side printing, for best convenience
  • 25 coloring pages with juicy, sweary notes to cheer you up and speed up the de-stressing process
  • Black pages behind each design, allowing to use any coloring mediums and minimizing the risk of bleed-through issues
  • Color testing page
  • Acid-free, white paper, printed in the USA


Do yourself (and your children) a favor and get your copy now! You will love it!