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Living Beyond Postpartum Depression: Help and Hope for the Hurting Mom and Those Around Her

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Author: Jerusha Clark

Publisher: NavPress

ISBN 10: 9781600066214
ISBN 13: 978-1600066214

For all, it causes discomfort. For many, deep distress. For some, it robs them of life. Postpartum depression (PPD) is a far more common, misunderstood, and life-debilitating illness than most people realize. At a time when most moms expect to feel happy and content, those suffering from PPD experience the crushing weight of despair and anxiety.

Living Beyond Postpartum Depression offers hope to not only those moms but also their husbands, family members, and friends. Because women battling PPD, and those walking with them through this valley, often don’t know what to do, this book explains what they’re facing physically, emotionally, and spiritually and how these three aspects are inseparably intertwined.

Best-selling author Jerusha Clark shares her own PPD story while offering scripturally based truths that will help restore, heal, guide, and support readers. With practical advice, treatment options, and steps to moving forward, Living Beyond Postpartum Depression is the compassionate, biblical encouragement those affected by PPD need.