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Postpartum Depression: A Parent's Guide To Postpartum Depression (A Parent's Guide Series) (Volume 1)

Author: Tara Blake

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1515399850
ISBN 13: 978-1515399858

After giving birth, there are many moms who are not overcome with the joy that they expected to feel once their little one arrives. While this may seem like a bad way to begin your journey into motherhood, this is actually a common issue, so don’t worry! This book takes you by the hand and helps you to understand that you are not alone and what to do about you feelings. Tara explains, in easy to understand steps, everything you need to know to make your postpartum depression a fleeting experience. Once you read the information contained in this book you will be ready to take steps to end the suffering and pain of postnatal depression and begin your journey to happier times!