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Nancy Means Grace: From Burden to Blessing

Author: Cathy Plantenberg

Publisher: Catherine M. Plantenberg

ISBN 10: 1946195383
ISBN 13: 978-1946195388

Cathy Plantenberg knows firsthand about schizophrenia. Her
oldest sister, Nancy, was held in the grip of this disease and it
changed their family forever.
"Nancy Means Grace" takes us on a journey through her
sister's decline and into the dark days of schizophrenia. Cathy
tells the story with emotional integrity. She discloses resentments,
fears, and loathing for herself and for her sister. Through the
power of forgiveness, she transforms her relationship with her
sister and herself.
In what was once a tense, strained bond, the sisters and their
family move on to places of true connection and joy. A story of
acceptance, resourcefulness, and forgiveness, the surprising
element of the book is the many lessons Nancy taught Cathy.
"Nancy Means Grace" may challenge you at times, but it will
also restore your belief that love can conquer disability, disease
and distrust.