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Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Parkinson's Disease Dementia: Patient, Family, and Clinician Working Together for Better Outcomes

Author: J. Eric Ahlskog

Publisher: Oxford University Press

ISBN 10: 0199977569
ISBN 13: 978-0199977567

Patients, spouses, families, and caregivers dealing with dementia face a host of complex issues, particularly when they must confront Dementia with Lewy Bodies or Parkinson's Disease. Until now there has been no guidebook for the general public to help navigate these challenging disorders.

In Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Parkinson's Disease Dementia, Dr. J. Eric Ahlskog draws on 30 years of clinical and research work at Mayo Clinic to arm patients and families with crucial information that will enable them to work in tandem with their doctors. A diagnosis of dementia can be devastating, leaving families and caregivers struggling with a loved one's radically-impaired thinking and memory. When dementia is coupled with Parkinson's, which will develop in Parkinson's patients that live long enough, or with Lewy Bodies, which is the second leading cause of dementia behind Alzheimer's, the difficulties become even more daunting. And while these disorders are all too common, most people have little solid information about them. Too often doctors cannot spend the necessary time answering questions or discussing the specific challenges and treatments for these kinds of dementia during office visits. Arriving for a doctor appointment knowing the issues and treatment options beforehand gives patients and families an important head start. Dr. Ahlskog clearly explains all aspects of these disorders, their causes, symptoms, most effective drug treatments, proper doses, and which medications to avoid. He also discusses the complications that can arise in treating these conditions, given the variety of available medications and their possible side effects and interactions.

While a cure does not yet exist, in this accessible, highly informative guidebook, Dr. Ahlskog shows that optimal medical treatment can markedly improve the quality of life for both patients and family.