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Resistant Anxiety, Worry, and Panic: 86 Practical Treatment Strategies for Clinicians

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Author: Jennifer L. Abel

Publisher: PESI Publishing & Media

ISBN 10: 1936128896
ISBN 13: 978-1936128891

Filled with pragmatic approaches and coping strategies, this is a “must-have” book for clinicians treating anxiety, worry, and panic. Dr. Abel specializes in the treatment of anxiety and provides proven therapeutic techniques to help your clients work through the spiral of anxiety and successfully face their fears.
This book includes:

*Characteristics of clients resistant to anxiety treatment and how to treat them
Traditional and cutting edge approaches to exposure therapies
*Simple new effective cognitive therapy strategies
*Unique mindfulness, relaxation, and imagery scripts
*Applied relaxation and self-control desensitization to transform the worry habit and much more!

“Dr. Abel shows us how to identify the same, repetitive spiral of interactions that drives the distressing symptoms of our anxious clients. She provides a useful decision tree of interventions for both GAD and panic to keep treatment focused. Then, within that simple structure, Dr. Abel gifts us with 86 practical strategies to help us move our clients from coping to thriving.”
Reid Wilson, Ph.D., Author of Don’t Panic: Taking Control of Anxiety Attacks

“This detailed, well-written guide provides practical, step-by-step instructions in a wide range of evidence-based strategies, including cognitive approaches, exposure, relaxation, and acceptance-based treatments. In addition, unlike most other books on treating anxiety, this book includes helpful chapters on treating associated problems, such as perfectionism, procrastination, and health anxiety. Dr. Abel provides an excellent roadmap for the treatment of anxiety, worry, and panic, for both novice therapists and seasoned clinicians.”
Martin M. Antony, Ph.D., ABPP, Author of Anti-Anxiety Workbook

“In this concise guide to treating panic and worry, Jennifer Abel gives her innovative ideas for handling familiar techniques to every therapist who treats clients with anxiety. Her concepts of early identification of the anxiety spiral, handling exposure, using interoceptive exposure and especially her handling of familiar techniques like breathing, relaxation and in vivo exposure demonstrate her impressive practical experience that is well-founded in research. Highlighting pitfalls and obstacles to utilizing these methods, Abel takes us through the recovery process with optimism that we can help people with even the most resistant form of anxiety.”
Margaret Wehrenberg Psy.D., Author of The 10 Best-Ever Anxiety Treatment Techniques, The Anxious Brain, and The 10 Best-Ever Depression Management Techniques

“This resources is an outstanding text for training mental health clinicians on anxiety treatment. Dr. Abel presents these strategies with substantial in-depth case examples. Dissemination of treatment research remains an issue in the treatment of anxiety disorders and this book represents a comprehensive road map to tackling treatment resistant issues. This text is an excellent contribution, useful for early career cognitive-behavioral therapists and experienced clinicians alike.”
Dr. Daniel van Ingen, Author of Anxiety Disorders Made Simple: Treatment Approaches to Overcome Fear and Build Resiliency

“It is always a pleasure to read about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). Rarely will an anxiety book mention the use of ERP, the most effective treatment available for anxiety. Dr. Abel presents an excellent overview of ERP and shows the reader how it can be both useful and used in daily life. Utilizing ERP, along with the principles outlined in this book, therapists and consumers will be able to work toward reducing anxiety in empirically validated ways for maximum effect.”
Patrick B. McGrath, Ph.D., Director of Alexian Brothers Center for Anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorders