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Turn Your Brain On to Get Your Game On: The How, What, Why to Peak Performance

Author: Leigh Richardson

Publisher: Clovercroft Publishing

ISBN 10: 1950892093
ISBN 13: 978-1950892099

In this current age of distraction and abundance, your brain is constantly stimulated. Your brain is working constantly throughout day and night, and just like your body, working overtime can begin to take its toll. Just as your overall health and hygiene requires maintenance, so does your brain. We are now at a time when we have the science, understanding, and perspective to take a step back and realize the importance of brain health. But what do we need?

Brain On, Game On is a user’s manual to your most important tool, your brain. It lays out what your brain needs and teaches you how the brain is impacted by what we do every day and the world around us. Leigh Richardson will teach you why the lifestyle choices and environmental factors that impact brain health, also impact the physiology and psychology of your mental state. If you want to enhance your mental performance, increase your well-being, and optimize your overall health, this book is an essential tool in your journey