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I'm STILL a Keeper

Author: Ray W Lincoln

Publisher: Apex Publications

ISBN 10: 0996120858
ISBN 13: 978-0996120852

Here is the help you have been waiting for. Ray W. Lincoln has once again hit a home run in his teen parenting book, I'm Still a Keeper. Understand your teen as never before. Reduce those conflicts and fights to a minimum by parenting your teen with confidence, understanding, and love. Parenting is not the same when your child turns the corner into the teenage years. Discover what changes will occur and learn how to deal with the teen mind and brain. When those teen emotions flare, know your teen and give them the all-important knowledge of how to manage their emotions according to how they have been designed. Need to reduce the stress of teen parenting? Who doesn't? In these pages you will find the help you crave and the way to a happier home and the treasured peace of mind and heart you seek. Teens can benefit, too from understanding themselves and developing their emotional and social intelligence. Of greatest importance is this self-discovery and knowing how their happiness and the path to fulfillment in their lives can be found.