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Stuck: Asperger's Syndrome and Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviors

Author: Jonathan Hoffman

Publisher: Weston Press

ISBN 10: 0983454949
ISBN 13: 978-0983454946

There are many challenges that children with Asperger’s syndrome (AS) will have to overcome to reach their highest potential. In order to help them progress in constructive ways, those who care for and about these children often need to make changes too, sometimes difficult ones. Stuck provides a roadmap for understanding and addressing the complexities of AS, especially the presence of obsessive-compulsive behaviors (OCBs) that so frequently complicate basic functioning for both the child and others involved in their lives. The more knowledge and skills that caregivers can gain about these issues the better. Whether you are a parent, an educator, or a healthcare professional that wants to increase their awareness about Asperger’s syndrome and obsessive-compulsive behaviors, you can benefit from the useful concepts and practical, action-oriented activities presented throughout this book.