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Fritz Perls: dirty old man at Esalen

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Author: Ernest Kinnie

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1723930490
ISBN 13: 978-1723930492

Words!  Words!  Words! They shut one off from the universe. Three quarters of the time one's never in contact with things---only with the beastly words that stand for them.
Aldous Huxley

Yes, you live in the middle of clouds of words. Nothing wrong with that---you would not survive in the "real" world if you didn't mostly use that mode of interaction with Reality.But now and then blow them away!  Let Fritz and the Tigers show you a less filtered reality.  You become much more spontaneous and creative.  And have more fun.If you’re a snowflake or Mrs. Grundy it would be best to pass on by the second and third chapters.  Come along if you haven’t had your free spirit squeezed or beaten out of you. In the fourth chapter plagiarize the thoughts of many people around the world and through the ages. Astonish and impress your friends and enemies with your profound wisdom and knowledge. I’ve added a few funny fillers to entertain your brain and give it a little rest.____________________
Blow the clouds away!
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