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From His Heart to Yours: The Unspoken Language to Understanding Men, Becoming His First Option and Making Him Obsess Over You

Author: Keith Browne

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1797659928
ISBN 13: 978-1797659923

Welcome to the Only Resource you will Ever Need to Understand him, Attract Him and Make Him Obsess over You

This book is the bridge to get you where you are currently with men to where you want to be. This book teaches you the hidden secrets and underlying psychology to completely understand men. Not only understand but to use your newfound knowledge to harness desire, passion and loyalty with him. The best part is you can do this while remaining who you truly are inside.

Discover the psychology of understanding his ambitions, desires, fears and how to position yourself to succeed. You will learn how to stand out from the crowd of women vying for his attention. You will learn how to avoid the common dating mistakes that could make a woman appear desperate, needy, and insecure that will turn him off and away.
What if I told you that most of what you think about men is false and that you can overcome past experienced challenges? This resource provides a foundational base and fundamental knowledge that many heavy dating tip books that are thin on theory lack. Without properly understanding a man at his core you will continue to be befuddled and confused in your dating life. Armed with a proper understanding of how men operate at a core fundamental level will allow you to enjoy a level of success far beyond your expectations.

Being confident, in regards to men pursuing you is important but pointless without understanding how to apply that confidence in various dating situations to gain a competitive advantage. This book challenges assumptions and stereotypes on what you thought what men resonate to in dating dynamics. We analyze why some behavior has been counterproductive to successful dating and use this misinformation to benefit moving forward.

Some have lost hope and faith in men due to past circumstances but after reading this book you will understand where you went wrong in the past as well as proven solutions moving forward to propel you ahead who does not possess this wisdom.

No games or gimmicks. No weird manipulation. Just raw, actionable information designed to turn you into the strongest version of yourself capable of dating the man you truly desire without compromise.

Here's what you're going to learn inside:
• Learn why going against the conventional wisdom of relationship experts is holding you back from success with men.
• How to become his first option (instead of his Plan B) once you start dating him.
• The most important things that men look for in a long term commitment. (It is not what you think.)
• The psychology of male behavior and how to use this information to your advantage to attract him and keep him interested.
• The #1 key to conquering a man’s heart during the early dating stages. (Most women only figure out after YEARS of anguish and heartbreak.)
The absolute list of must-have qualities that men look for when settling down as well as a list of things to avoid if you want him to stick around.
• How to maintain your composure when men pull away and how to use it to make the good ones come RUNNING back to you.
The most seductive first date "good gesture" that immediately causes you to stand out.
Foolproof dating rules for women who feel that men CONSTANTLY take advantage of their love and kindness.
• And much, much more...

You will learn what drives men and what we truly desire when considering you for a relationship (Very easy to apply and see results immediately). This book is from his heart to yours.