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Playful Mindfulness: a joyful journey to everyday confidence, calm, and connection

Author: Ted DesMaisons

Publisher: ANIMA Learning
ISBN 10: 1950373002
ISBN 13: 978-1950373000

Publisher: Anima Learning
ISBN 10: 1950373010
ISBN 13: 978-1950373017

Playful Mindfulness brings together wisdom from the worlds of mindfulness (paying attention to the present moment with curiosity and kindness) and improvisation (making life up courageously as you go along) so readers can find greater confidence, calm, and connection.


  • Do you long to express that creative project or idea but tell yourself you’re not good or clever or funny enough, so why even try? 
  • Do you dream of a wide-open life filled with moments of wonder, delight and surprise but find yourself trapped in routine and smothered by stress? 
  • Do you yearn for deep, meaningful connection with those around you but feel yourself ever more isolated by social media and modern technology?


In these pages, Ted DesMaisons takes your hand and leads you on a beautiful, surprising and unruly adventure into the lands where mindfulness and improvisation overlap. There, you’ll discover the same freedom, ease, and joy that thousands of his students at Stanford and elsewhere have found for themselves.