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The Creative Process in the Individual

Author: Thomas Troward

Publisher: DeVorss & Company

ISBN 10: 0875166407
ISBN 13: 978-0875166407

This is considered by many Troward's masterpiece. It embodies his maturest thought, chapter 1-10 amounting to a textbook of his teaching. The Creative Process begins with the Cosmic process and eventuates in the individual's use of Mind to further the process.
FROM THE PUBLISHER: This DeVorss edition takes the liberty of helping the reader by (1) introducing paragrahing, as Troward's paragraphs are exceedingly long; (2) introducing punctuation to ease the reading and (3) closing up some words that in Troward's day were hyphenated. Also footnotes have been added to help in the translation of many foreign terms and phrases. Finally, several errors that have disserved this work for almost a century have at last been dealt with.