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Elements of Mental Philosophy (Classic Reprint)

Author: Thomas Cogswell Upham

Publisher: Forgotten Books
Publisher: Sagwan Press
ISBN 10: 1297970276
ISBN 13: 978-1297970276

The Philosophy of theM ind has grown up, like other sciences, from smnll befpjuiings. Many proportions, coining too, in many inatucea, firom ahle viiten, han been thrown aside; truth has been siiled out from the mass of error, until at last a great nucaber of important principles is ascertained. But while it is exceedingly necessary that our youth (J iiould be made acquainted with these principles, it is iraposble that they should go throu with all the complicated discussions which ham been held mrespect to them. Many of the boolo in which these discussions are contiuned have become exceedingly nn ;itd if they were not ao, no amall number of students, who arc now in the course of as thorough an education as our country affords, would not be able to purchase them. And besides, by pladng before the student a mass of crude and conflicting statements, his mind becomes perplexed. To be able to resolve such a maas into its elements, and to separate truth from error, implies an acquaintance with the laws of the intellect, and a degree of mental discipline, which he is not yet supposed to have acquired; and hence, instead of obtaining much important knowledge, he becomes distrustful of everything. Now tiiese evils, saying nothing of the loss of time attendant on such a course, are to be remetU ed in the same way as in other sciences.
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Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.

Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text.