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Stress, Risk, and Resilience in Children and Adolescents: Processes, Mechanisms, and Interventions

Author: Robert J. Haggerty

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

ISBN 10: 0521576628
ISBN 13: 978-0521576628

Many children's behavioral problems have multiple causes, and most children with one problem behavior also have others. The co-occurence and interrelatedness of risk factors and problem behavior is certainly an important area of research. This volume recognizes the complexity of the developmental processes that influence coping and resilience and the roles sociocultural factors play. The contributors focus on four themes that have emerged in the study of risk and coping over the past decade: interrelatedness of risk and problems, individual variability in resilience and susceptibility to stress, processes and mechanisms linking multiple stressors to multiple outcomes, and interventions and prevention. Psychologists, pediatricians, and others involved in the research or care of children will take great interest in this text.