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How To Change Habits: The Complete Guide On How To Replace And Build Powerful Habits That Stick

Author: John Bale

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1793169438
ISBN 13: 978-1793169433

Do You Want To Know How To Create Good Habits That Stick in This Year 2019?!

Someone said that human beings are creatures of habit. Let me tell you, that this is 110% true. Most of the things we do every day are - Habits! There are negative and positive habits and most of the people in the world have more negative, then positive habits. Everything we do every day is the results of your past programming and day by day activity, which have created the current version of you. But let me tell you this, that you are not a robot, and you can change whatever habit that is programmed inside of you.

You have only two options:


2.Stay the Same

This audiobook will tell you exactly what are the habits, but also it will explain to you how to change it. There are many skills for success in all of the areas of life, but most importantly I believe are the Habits.That is why I have written to you this simple but effective guide to finally break free from bad habits and develop any habit that you choose. But keep in mind that:Like any other skill it requires focus and commitment on your part, but the commitment you create will lead you to success in your inner world. So if you are truly interested in this topic, let me give you a short intro, to let you know what is inside this audiobook:

Topics covered include:
  • What they are and Why They're So Hard to Implement
  • Building Good Habits and Why It Leads To Success
  • Identifying Bad Habits/Behaviors
  • What They Are and How to Get Rid of Them
  • How to Implement Rock-Solid Habits That Stick

And Much Much More!!

So let me ask you this: are you finally ready to build new habits or you let yourself live the life that you used to live?!But if you are serious:

click to buy now!!