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Neurofeedback and Neuromodulation Techniques and Applications

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Original price $112.00
Current price $83.00
Author: Robert Coben

Publisher: Academic Press

ISBN 10: 0123822351
ISBN 13: 978-0123822352

The study of neurofeedback and neuromodulation offer a window into brain physiology and function, suggesting innovative approaches to the improvement of attention, anxiety, pain, mood and behavior. Resources for understanding what neurofeedback and neuromodulation are, how they are used, and to what disorders and patients they can be applied are scarce, and this volume serves as an ideal tool for clinical researchers and practicing clinicians in both neuroscience and psychology to understand techniques, analysis, and their applications to specific patient populations and disorders. The top scholars in the field have been enlisted, and contributions offer both the breadth needed for an introductory scholar and the depth desired by a clinical professional.