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Pause 2 Praise: 30 Days to Happier and Healthier Relationships with Your Adult Children

Author: Lisa Swift-Young

Publisher: Change We Seek Publications

ISBN 10: 1732371318
ISBN 13: 978-1732371316

Pause 2 Praise: 30 Days to Happier and Healthier Relationships with your Adult children is a 30-day guide to cultivate mindfulness and an attitude of gratitude! It is a group exploration journal designed to focus on being thankful for what we have, the big moments in life, as well as life's simple pleasures.

Each well-designed day contains

  • an inspirational quote,

  • thoughtful activity, and

  • space to reflect on the things you are thankful for each day of the week,

  • and a weekly checkpoint.

When you start each day by writing and sharing experiences you are thankful for - the warmth of a bed, the smell of crisp morning air, the smiling face of a stranger - you begin each day expecting a good day.

Do it daily. Make it a habit.  Focus your energy towards the blessings you have been given! You and your tribe will have less stress and more success.

This journey is designed to be shared. Grab a copy for a teenager, adult child or loved one and share the journey to happiness together!