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Stock Market Gambling Addiction Help

Author: Dan Plouff

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1530994802
ISBN 13: 978-1530994809

The stock market is a casino that is designed to make you lose more money, the more you trade, and this book statistically explains why nearly all day traders and swing traders lose much more money much more frequently than slot machine gamblers do. This book teaches you why you will probably lose money in the stock market, and why you have lost money in the stock market. Most losers on the stock market make the same mistakes. Panic selling, panic buying, penny stocks, out of the money stock options, inexperienced trading strategies, day trading, swing trading, stop loss orders that don't work half of the time, hedging, and other issues are discussed in this book concerning why you are losing money if you are a new trader or investor. This book eliminates all emotions from investing so that you are much more likely to succeed as a long-term investor who doesn't care what the market does in the short-run, by investing an amount of money you aren't afraid to lose, and that is going towards your eventual retirement. This book is for losers who can’t stop losing their money on the stock market. If your loved one is losing money on the stock market, then this book will help them quit their gambling addiction they have with losing money on the stock market. This book teaches novices and seasoned investors about many pitfalls that may be causing you, or your loved one, to lose money if you don’t know about the types of mistakes you are repeatedly making. This book also teaches you EASY ways to ALWAYS SAFELY make profits each year. This is a short book that gives you lots of info very quickly.