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Limit and Lead Student Workbook

Author: Matthew L. Ferrara Ph.D.

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1499761120
ISBN 13: 978-1499761122

The Limit & Lead is a cognitive behavioral, offense specific workbook that is in its fifth revision. The first edition of this workbook was published in 1985 and it has been in constant use since that time. Originally used in the Texas Youth Commission, the Limit & Lead Student Workbook is used in many states in the US and internationally. One of the reasons for the popularity of the Limit & Lead Student Workbook is that it is constantly under revision and updated with the latest evidence based treatment interventions. The current edition of the Limit & Lead Student Workbook makes use of traditional offense specific and relapse prevention interventions, while adding cutting edge interventions designed to address habit change and the social environment youths must return to after treatment. The Limit & Lead Student Workbook has its optimal effect when it is used in conjunction with the Limit & Lead Behavior Management Program.