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Rape Investigation Handbook

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Original price $74.95
Current price $51.46
Author: Brent E. Turvey

Publisher: Academic Press

ISBN 10: 0123860296
ISBN 13: 978-0123860293

Rape Investigation Handbook details specific investigative and forensic processes related to sex crimes casework invaluable to those in law enforcement, the legal community, and the private sector. It takes the reader through these processes in a logical sequence, showing how investigations of rape and sexual assault can and should be conducted from start to finish. The second edition is reorganized to flow from the alleged assault to a courtroom trial. Section heads have been introduced and it includes six new chapters on sex crimes, sex trafficking, forensic victimology, eyewitness reports, rape trauma syndrome and rapist motivations. The remaining 12 chapters are entirely overhauled and in some cases completely rewritten by new, highly qualified contributors, such as "Sexual Assault Examination and Reconstruction" by Brent E. Turvey and Charla Jamerson and "Rapist Motivations" by Brent E. Turvey and Jodi Freeman. An additional appendix was added to provide current case studies.