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The Synchronicity Code: How to Follow Coincidence and (sometimes even) Predict the Future

Author: Mr. J. Andrew Goodman

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1461036976
ISBN 13: 978-1461036975

The Synchronicity Code presents a new discovery about the way history repeats across the field of time. The author’s exploration of numeric patterns in the markets as an investor led to this discovery. As the research progressed, it soon became clear that meaningful coincidences are the key to de-coding the patterns of history. From wars to assassinations, to inventions, to the births of sages, The Synchronicity Code presents case after case demonstrating the theory in action, at times with such stunning accuracy as to be nearly beyond belief. Most of the examples are drawn from well-known historical events, so anyone can verify them. Not only does The Synchronicity Code show the links between events of the past, it also offers a way to predict the timing of events in the future. The Synchronicity Code will teach you how to do the calculations yourself. Thus begins a new adventure in man’s relationship to his own history, as The Synchronicity Code puts a new slant on an old question: Is he who knows history condemned to repeat it?