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A Journey To The Door OF Death

Author: Nancy E. Perry Ph.D.

Publisher: Sojourn Publishing, LLC

ISBN 10: 1627472037
ISBN 13: 978-1627472036

This book is not only a riveting account of facts and events, but is one of personal experiences. The authors mind-bending descriptions, written as though they were happening in the here and now relate to events that millions of people have lived through and continue to experience during and after an unexpected health crisis. Similar experiences to those of the author happen to many others as they receive life-saving medical procedures in hospitals, clinics, at the scene of an accident in their own home or elsewhere. "A Journey To The Door Of Death" is the inside story of a physical catastrophe. A major focus in the book is the suffering experienced from the traumas of serious illness and life saving treatments. The author struggles to find meaning related to her suffering that might help others. examples of the questions she explores are: How may traumatic medical events be experienced or reflected in the minds and bodies of people who experience them? Can these experiences actually cause Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? What effects can can result spiritually and emotionally as a result of this type of trauma? Why do some people return to functional living while other do not? Can traumatic unexpected medical events create an existential crisis for the person experiencing them? A framework in the form of a model, emerged while the the book was being written and is fully described. This model has proved useful by helping people understand themselves and others.