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Marriage: A Taste of Heaven, Vol. II: God's People Make the Best Lovers

Author: Patsy Rae Dawson

Publisher: Gospel Themes Press

ISBN 10: 0938855417
ISBN 13: 978-0938855415

This exciting volume deals with sexual love from a fresh perspective--the Bible. You'll learn the key for a glorious orgasm for both the husband and the wife that science discovered only recently, but it has always been present in the Bible.

The Bible provides proper sex education for each stage of development from puberty through the temptation for middle-aged affairs. You'll find the discussion of Victorian morals so fascinating you won't want to put the book down. Deals frankly with sexual addictions and gives the procedure for overcoming sexual problems.

Surveys and medical facts will convince you, It's true! God's people really do make the best lovers! Over 400 major scriptural points in each book, with examples from everyday life, beautifully show the power of the Bible for solving marriage problems and transforming lives. Help for avoiding and solving sexual problems!

God deals with the #1 sexual problem--inhibited sexual desire and pleasure. Discover how thrilling rapture in the mate's arms is better than illicit lust. Find real sexual liberation from the One in whose mind sexual love originated. Delight in God's solution for lack of compatibility.

See how God designed the older woman to be an exciting lover. God's lovemaking techniques give greater pleasure than all the sex toys. Replace self-pleasuring with lovemaking with a real person. Learn how lovemaking gets better with age.

God's formula for overcoming sexual addiction works better than support groups and psychologists. Studying together helps rebuild trust and teaches how to talk about sensitive subjects. Plus much more!

Your love life will never be the same!

Why you SHOULD NOT read God’s People Make the Best Lovers:

Not a sexually timid book: Plainly teaches women how to enjoy two types of orgasms. Tells why a different woman every night can’t satisfy a man’s deepest needs.

Not a quick, easy read: Most comprehensive material available explores over 400 scriptures. No proof texting, but real study with word definitions.

Not a warm, fuzzy, feel-good book: Credits God for designing the sexual relationship and knowing how it works best. Exposes sexually defrauding one’s mate as sin that destroys the marriage.

Not a quick fix, but an effective help: Based on God’s formula for solving all marriage problems in I Timothy 4:1-5. Gives homework to help readers make lasting changes in the bedroom.

Who SHOULD study God’s People Make the Best Lovers: Those who want a better love life than the world offers. Those willing to learn from the Creator who designed sunsets and undersea wonders. Those willing to practice speaking an incredible language of love that transcends spoken words. Those who want to say, “Wow! It’s true! God’s people really do make the best lovers!”