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Family Business: When business is family and family is business

Author: Dr. Cheryl LeJewell Jackson

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1693022532
ISBN 13: 978-1693022531

Are you a female entrepreneur trying to run your family and business? Do you have big dreams but don’t know how to get started? Have you had success working for someone else but can’t seem to apply those same principles to your own business? If you feel more frazzled than functional most days, you are not alone. After spending 15 years in the corporate world for the country’s largest and most successful organizations, Cheryl stepped away to start her own business and spend more time with family. Instead of feeling empowered and effective, she felt more like a failure as a parent, entrepreneur, wife, and human. Organizations spend billions of dollars annually to implement programs, hire and develop talent, and design practices that align with and promote their overall business strategy. Yet when it comes to our home lives and small businesses, we often think we can just "wing it”. This book takes a Christ-centered approach to topics such as building a strong culture, fostering an environment of meaning and satisfaction, time management, performance evaluation, and leadership all through the dual lenses of industrial/organizational and positive psychology. Although it may sound sterile at first, by implementing these practices, you will not only flourish but also gain back a little of that sanity you lost along the way.