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Leadership in Groups: A Casebook

Author: Dr Peter M Newton

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1517062055
ISBN 13: 978-1517062057

This book arises from 40 years of experience consulting with leaders of diverse organizations, including clinics, hospitals, universities, government and community agencies, labor unions, telecommunications, marketing and publishing companies, start-ups of various kinds, and law firms. It also draws on the personal experience of having served as a clinic director, faculty chairman, graduate school dean, and director of large conferences on group relations. The approach taken is a social psychological one that connects the adult development of the individual with organizational tasks and roles. The numerous case examples show the approach in action. Though most are taken from the law firm, the human problems depicted are common, even at core, universal-- the movement of the individual up the generational ladder, the differentiation and integration of system structure, the problem of leadership in exercising authority. The cases are real but the firms are disguised, with the exception of one case taken from public record, as are some immaterial aspects of persons.