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Make ‘Em Beg To Work For You: 7 Steps to Find, Hire, Manage, Reward, and Release All-Star Players to Help Make Your Dream a Reality

Author: Dr. Angela E Lauria

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1688152288
ISBN 13: 978-1688152281

Make ‘Em Beg To Work For You: How to Find, Hire, Manage, Reward, and Release All-star Players to Help Make your Dream a Reality

If you are like most solopreneurs or small business owners, the desire to make your dreams come true at a bigger level requires a team that can understand your vision and get stuff done. Unfortunately, it can seem impossible, especially with the cultural differences between Gen Xers and Millennials, to ever get people to effectively do what you want.

This book reveals the reasons why it’s so hard to build a team and a work culture that get results. In it you will learn:

  • Exactly where you can find great employees who know how to take action and get it done
  • The magical formula to writing job descriptions that generate just a few high-quality applications from only the best candidates
  • How to conduct an interview process to make sure you don’t ever make an expensive hiring mistake
  • The key to saving staff members who aren’t working out and for navigating the right timing to let go of an employee who isn’t a fit
  • The biggest mistake most employers make with compensation plans which leads to high turn over and low happiness (hint: it isn’t about paying more)

An eye-opening revelation about how long-established systems are falling apart at work, this book picks up where classics like Rocket Fuel and Good to Great no longer connect with the realities on the ground of building a team largely of millennials.