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On the Edge of Human technology: An Essay

Author: Prof Göte Sture Nyman

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 107589333X
ISBN 13: 978-1075893339

Human ict-based technology changes its character faster than technology itself. We need to think anew the nature of human-technology relationships. The book introduces some of the elements in this kind of thinking and gives practical examples of real and speculative concepts for future development. Humanification of technology, including AI is a leading principle throughout the text. The book is a personal collection of essays which have emerged from the author's decades-long work with digital technologies. Several topics, some practical and some speculative, are introduced, e.g. on image quality, behavior data in the net, human implementation of AI, network representations of human behavior, perception as a strategy process and even the human centric nature of physics, among many others.