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Seeing Behind the Job Applicant's Mask Before You Hire: Secrets of a Corporate Psychologist (Seeing Behind the Mask)

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Author: Dr. Ken Byrne

Publisher: Seeing Behind the Mask Series

ISBN 10: 0648675513
ISBN 13: 978-0648675518

Hiring people is easy. Hiring the right person takes patience, diligence and skill. And hiring the wrong person is one of the most expensive mistakes any business can make. Yet, many managers have had little or no training is this essential skill.This book will save you from the headaches caused by hiring the wrong person. Dr. Jeff Zeig, a world famous psychologist said "Ken Byrne has provided a Rosetta Stone that clarifies the seemingly complex hieroglyphics of hiring the best candidate. A practical guide. Easy to read. An indispensable tool that will improve hiring decisions. The Milton H, Erickson Foundation." Hiring mistakes cost money, much more than most people imagine. But they have other invisible, but very predicable, costs. How does hiring the wrong person effect your reputation as a manager? How will it effect the team you introduce them to? Are your top performers at risk of leaving because they are tired of doing their own job and someone else's?People are hired for what they know. Technical know-how , past experience and degrees are all heavily weighted. And let's face it, some people are just good at performing during a standard interview. Once hired, we fire people for who they are. Often their values don't match those of the workplace. Or they turn out to have one - or more - of what Dr. Byrne describes as "The Dirty Dozen", significant personality problems that you wish you knew about prior to hiring the person. To name just a few: the person who is lazy, blames others for their mistakes, won't follow instructions, always needs to be 'right', is a bully or predator, has little drive to succeed and is self centered.Based on forty years experience as a Corporate Psychologist, and having personally interviewed more than 3000 job candidates, Dr. Byrne shares what he has discovered works - and what doesn't work - in sizing up applicants.This books shows you how get behind the "job interview mask" to discover who this person really is, not just who they claim to be. You will learn about the Six Immutable Laws that govern hiring; The Five Lacks you will encounter and how to deal with them; The Role of Hiring in Leadership; Practical Steps to Deciding Who You Are Looking For; sixteen different ways to find good candidates; How to ask revealing - but perfectly legal - questions that aren't in the manuals offered for job seekers. This leads to an in-depth description of intuition - or gut feel. Dr. Byrne shows you two powerful questions that help transfer a "vague feeling" into a practical set off of observations relevant to hiring.The book describes the Ten Questions to ask each referee, and shows you how to do this in an elegant way, one that saves you time "chasing up" people while encouraging them to give honest answers. Finally Dr. Byrne outlines Seven Sources of Facts that must be weighed up, along wth all the other data you have accumulated to guide you to a solid, evidence based hiring decision.His approach works. Following his principles will lead you to select better people, and dramatically reduce hiring errors. He is so confident about this, that the book comes with a No Questions Asked, Money Back Guarantee. And as a reward for investing in his book, you can receive an additional chapter, free, just by writing to him at Check out his instructional videos and blogs while you're there.