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The power of connection: How conscious communication contributes to managing differences in organisations

Author: Ellie van der Est

Publisher: BigBusinessPublishers

ISBN 10: 949175775X
ISBN 13: 978-9491757754

Originator of a unique methodology based on principles that bring people together and connect them, Ellie van der Est facilitates transformation processes in organisations. She has understood that in an age of individualisation, differences between people are all too often, and in many cases wrongly blown up in a negative way. That has a cost for the organisation and the goals that it is pursuing. In The Power of Connection, van der Est demonstrates how conscious communication is essential to managing differences in organisations and therefore supports optimal collaboration. Key concepts include taking on your responsibility, clarity and respect. According to Van der Est, the key to connection is the conscious awareness of reality in the here and now. In Van der Ests words: Connection is the very moment that you feel really understood by the other. Only then there is a foundation for optimal collaboration and a cooperative working atmosphere, which brings organisational success.