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Thoughts on Things Forgotten: Recharging the Collective Memory Banks

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Current price $55.92
Author: Georg Schmid

Publisher: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften

ISBN 10: 3631738293
ISBN 13: 978-3631738290

We forget all kinds of things, trivial and important ones; and not just things but also topics and techniques, and we forget in different ways. Inconvenient as it is to forget your to-do list, forgetting grave political factors can lead to repeating the same mistakes. Foolish as it is to let proven solutions fall by the wayside, repression, both on a personal as on a political level, will lead to catastrophe. This book enumerates many things already forgotten (or in the process of being forgotten) and maps the tortuous paths of relinquishing useful ways of doing things. By analyzing «forgetting» in the light of historical context and psychological necessity, this study offers counter-strategies to the loss of social memory and stresses the benefits of social recollection.