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Learn APA Style: Writing in Psychology and the Social Sciences

Author: Mark Hatala

Publisher: Greentop Academic Press

ISBN 10: 1933167025
ISBN 13: 978-1933167022

Learn APA Style:  Writing in Psychology and the Social Sciences features:

“Test your knowledge” quizzes (with answers) for each section of the APA manual

“In Depth” exercises on clear and concise writing, non-sexist and non-biased writing, abbreviations, punctuation, crediting sources, and author names

Twenty topics in psychology with corresponding empirical studies, books, chapters in edited books, literature reviews, meta-analyses, and case study references

“APA style in a nutshell” - distilling the APA rules to a “cheat sheet” of literary style

Sample student research paper with comments and corrections

Sample journal article submission with comments and corrections

Explanation of different types of sources (primary, secondary) with examples

Explanation of different types of research articles with examples

Full coverage and explanation of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association