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ESTP: Understanding & Relating with the Entrepreneur (MBTI Personality Types)

Author: Clayton Geoffreys

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1515394727
ISBN 13: 978-1515394723

Learn how ESTPs view the world and what makes them tick!

Read on your PC, Mac, smartphone, tablet or Kindle device! In ESTP: Understanding & Relating with the Entrepreneur, you'll learn about the ESTP Myers Brigg Personality Type. This book covers a variety of topics regarding ESTPs (Extroverted Sensing Thinking Perception) and why they make some of the greatest entrepreneurs. ESTPs have a natural ability to lead and inspire others to create great value from nothing. In this book, we’ll begin by exploring why the MBTI test is important, before then digging into why ESTPs make such dependable founders, and how they tick. From there, we’ll venture into the greatest strengths and weaknesses of individuals who identify as ESTPs. Finally, we’ll explore what makes ESTPs happy, and what they value in their personal relationships. We’ll close by learning about ten famous ESTPs and what you can learn from them. If you are an ESTP, read this book to begin your quest in learning why you act the way you do and how you can come to appreciate who you are as an individual. Grab your copy today. Here is a preview of what is inside this book:
  • Foreword
  • An Introduction to MBTI
  • The Four Dimensions of the MBTI
  • Why is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Significant?
  • Uncovering the “Entrepreneur”: Who is an ESTP?
  • Why are ESTPs Indispensable Leaders?
  • The 7 Greatest Strengths of an ESTP
  • The 5 Greatest Areas of Improvement for an ESTP
  • What Makes an ESTP Happy?
  • What are Some Common Careers of an ESTP?
  • Common Workplace Behaviors of an ESTP
  • ESTP: Parenting Style and Values
  • Why do ESTPs Make Good Friends?
  • ESTP Romance
  • 7 Actionable Steps for Overcoming Your Weaknesses as an ESTP
  • The 10 Most Influential ESTPs We Can Learn From
  • Conclusion
An excerpt from the book: People with ESTP personality are natural leaders for several reasons. Primarily, an ESTP person is unlikely to wait for others to assume the leadership role. As creatures of action, ESTPs want things to happen immediately. Waiting for someone else to make things happen goes against the natural inclination of the ESTP person, who will assume the leadership role rather than wait for someone else to do so. After the mantle of leadership is acquired, their personality becomes even more of an asset in leading the team. Just as they are unlikely to wait for another person to assume control, so too are ESTPs unlikely to wait for someone else to solve a problem or start a project. ESTPs need new experiences and constant stimulation from outside sources. This means they will take up new projects and seek to solve old problems with little to no prodding. They require very little urging from others to accomplish tasks. In addition to their quick responses and advanced work ethic (if only to keep themselves from being bored), the ESTP person also has incredible people skills that are, likewise, beneficial for leadership positions. The ESTP person is a social person who enjoys interacting with others and receiving feedback from such exchanges. Leadership roles, which require the interaction with and the promotion of motivation of multiple personality types, are well suited to the ESTP. Tags: ESTP, MBTI, Myers Brigg Type Indicator, Psychology tests, myers briggs personality test, Personality Tests, personality types, 16 personality types, ISFJ, ISTJ, ESTP famous people, ESTP careers, ESTP relationships, ESTP jobs, ESTP personality traits