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ISTP: Understanding & Relating with the Virtuoso (MBTI Personality Types)

Author: Clayton Geoffreys

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1515137015
ISBN 13: 978-1515137016

Learn how ISTPs view the world and what makes them tick!

Read on your PC, Mac, smartphone, tablet or Kindle device! In ISTP: Understanding & Relating with the Virtuoso, you'll learn about the ISTP Myers Brigg Personality Type. This book covers a variety of topics regarding ISTPs (Introverted Sensing Thinking Perception) and why they make such artistic individuals. ISTPs are often referred to as the artists of the world in the sense that they love beautiful things in the fine arts. They are not afraid to upset tradition in honor of being avant-garde. ISTPs pursue their passions full-heartedly without reservation, equivocation, or mental evasion. In this book, we’ll begin by exploring why the MBTI test is important, before then digging into why ISTPs make great leaders. From there, we’ll venture into the greatest strengths and weaknesses of individuals who identify as ISTPs. Finally, we’ll explore what makes ISTPs happy, and what they value in their personal relationships. We’ll close by learning about ten famous ISTPs and what you can learn from them. If you are an ISTP, read this book to begin your quest in learning why you act the way you do and how you can come to appreciate who you are as an individual. Grab your copy today.
Here is a preview of what is inside this book:
  • Foreword
  • An Introduction to MBTI
  • The Four Dimensions of the MBTI
  • Why is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Significant?
  • Uncovering the “Virtuoso”: Who is an ISTP?
  • Why are ISTPs Indispensable Leaders?
  • The 7 Greatest Strengths of an ISTP
  • The 5 Greatest Areas of Improvement for an ISTP
  • What Makes an ISTP Happy?
  • What are Some Common Careers of an ISTP?
  • Common Workplace Behaviors of an ISTP
  • ISTP: Parenting Style and Values
  • Why do ISTPs Make Good Friends?
  • ISTP Romance
  • 7 Actionable Steps for Overcoming Your Weaknesses as an ISTP
  • The 10 Most Influential ISTPs We Can Learn From
  • Conclusion
An excerpt from the book: The key to being happy, regardless of type, is to have a purpose in life — a task where you feel useful and successful with meaningful relationships. A good career is especially important for an ISTP. They need a work environment where they can use their hands, create, fix things, solve problems, and enjoy independence. They also need good relationships with people who respect their independence and communication style even if they are loners. One of the most important things an ISTP needs is a good job. Their desire for independence might make them excel as a freelancer or running their own business. However, they can also be happy in a traditional work environment for as long as they are given freedom and are not bogged down with bureaucracy. The important thing is that the ISTP person has a chance to play — learn how things work, build things, fix things, and use his hands. An ISTP needs a good job because they cannot stomach the idea of spending a large portion of their time on a useless task. They will promptly quit any job that is not a good use of their time. They will become aggravated over bureaucracy and waste. Without a job that complements their personality, an ISTP will be unhappy.
Tags: ISTP, MBTI, Myers Brigg Type Indicator, Psychology tests, myers briggs personality test, Personality Tests, personality types, 16 personality types, ESTJ, ENTJ, ISTP famous people, ISTP careers, ISTP relationships, ISTP jobs, ISTP personality traits