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The Enneagram Road: The complete journey to understand you and test the 9 sacred personality types to improve your emotional intelligence, back in personal relationship, and self – discovery

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Author: Cooper Mind

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1673560962
ISBN 13: 978-1673560961


Each one of use is driven by somethings specific that defines our live: your subconciouness.This plays an important role in determining how you live your life. Think of it as an invisible compass that gives you direction and can even make important decisions for you. Often make decisions and assume our choices are of our own making, yet actually, this is not true. Some of the decisions we make in life are as a result of the conditioning of our subconscious. Our brains make choices for us based on our core beliefs, our experiences and the kind of environment we grow up in. This explains the concept of good and bad and how we relate to situations wherever they manifest.

You must have an idea about things that make uor happy. You Know some of the things you try to avoid because they make you sad. Even with this knowledge, you will still occasionally find yourself in unfamiliar territory, unable to determinate why you are disturbed by some situation. 

The enneagram helps you to answer the important questions you may have previously struggled to find answer to. From the personality type, you can identify the features that best align with your life based on your frequent decision-making patterns. What is missing in your life? What is the one things that pushes you to work hard or hide in a corner get away from the rest of the world? There are a lot of personal questions we ask ourselves, which make a big difference in our lives, but our inability to answer them or understand them is what holds us back. The answers to these questions are the answers that help us define ou personalities.

Many people belive that they develop personalities when they grow older or when they are more mature and have started interacting with different environments. However, this is not true. Our personalities start forming from our early childhood and are a function of a lot of things that go on in the world around us, from our interaction with the people we love and the activities we are exposed to, to the lessons we learn in a school and the communities we live in.

When you grow older, it is your realization of your own imperfection that bother you, because you become wise enough to realize the differences between yourself and other people. You notice that people to things differently to you become more awarw to the different methods you use to do the same things. Your personality is generally a reflection of your nature, manifesting itself throught a collection off all the experiences you have gone through in life.

This book gives a comprehensive guide on following:

  • What is the Enneagram? 

  • Personality types

  • Subtypes in the Ennegram 

  • Identifyng you Ennegram type 

  • Using the Ennegram 

  • The theory of Enneagram 

  • Specific practices for each ennegram personality type 

  • Incorporating the enneagram in your life 

  • Ennegram for parents 

  • Benefits of knowing ourselves 

  • Know your instincts to be appreciated by others... AND MORE!!!