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Why Psychologists Simply Haven't a Clue: Science in the Behavioral Sciences

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Author: Arnold Holtzman Ph.D.

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1702014487
ISBN 13: 978-1702014489

When a psychologist loses a client, the oft repeated excuse for his, or her, failure is that the client failed to contribute to the therapeutic program. The truth, however, is that the therapist had not the vaguest idea what might be at the very root of the neurotic circumstance. The psychologist depends entirely on how the client represents himself, or herself, when very few, if any, get past the myriad of entrenched defenses that block access to the true etiology of the disturbance. As often as not the stresses and traumas promoting the disorders originate in pre-conscious development stages – many near the very onset of life. But there is a diagnostic discipline – Biometric Definitions of Personality – which permits immediate access to the etiology of virtually every neurotic or personality disorder. It is the source of all the evidence necessary to prove that psychology is a true science that lends itself admirably to testing and replication in a laboratory program. The future of psychological diagnosis is already here.