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Book Companion Thinking Style Profile for the Golden Intuitive Social Motivator (ENFJ in MBTI® Language): Thinking Style Profile for the Golden Intuitive Social Motivator

Author: Nathan Church Ph.D.

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1090352239
ISBN 13: 978-1090352231

This is the Thinking Style Profile for the Golden Intuitive "Social Motivator." Traditional Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® language calls this the ENFJ Psychological Type. In Dr. Church's book, Why Can't You Accept Me the Way I Am?, a new conceptual framework is presented that challenges some of the assumptions made in traditional MBTI® approaches. *Special Note: when you purchase this Thinking Style Profile, it is assumed that you have either read Dr. Church’s book or are working with an expert who is familiar with his approach. It is also assumed that you have taken the MBTI® or a similar instrument and that you have worked with a qualified professional who has helped you to validate your results, since the MBTI®, and similar instruments, are what we call “self-report” assessments. Without such preparation or professional guidance, you could simply accept that this profile prescribes a way that you should react to situations around you. No such behavioral prescriptions are intended. The profile is simply meant to help you validate your particular Thinking Style as well as to describe features that those who have validated their cognitive predispositions as are described below, have reported. Even two people with nearly identical levels of preference for each of the cognitive patterns that make up this Thinking Style will report different levels of identification with each of the features presented in this Thinking Style Profile. Dr. Church's approach is to consider how cognitive predispositions, somewhat like the predispositions we see in handedness and eye dominance, that are established early in one's life, come together to formulate our Thinking Style. This particular Thinking Style is the result of development of the Abstract Perceptual Preference, combined with Intuition as the Preferred Basis for Decision Making (thus making up the "Golden Intuitive" part of this profile that is shared with three other similar "Golden Intuitive" Thinking Styles) in addition to the development of the Structure/Closure Preference for Cognitive Organization and External Processing as the Preferred Location for Cognitive Activity and Mental Energy. This Thinking Style tends to be characterized by a number of features that can usually be observed and identified by self and others. This Profile covers these common features under the following headings: General Description, Descriptive Adjectives, General Characteristics, Central Premise, Gender Differences, Special Talents, Special Challenges, Childhood and Adolescence, Learning Style, Education and Career Inclinations, Relationships/Friendship Patterns, Marriage/Partner Relationships, Parenting Tendencies, and a Final Note on the relative contributions of each cognitive preference to the overall Thinking Style. Finally, it should be noted that comparing your experiences to the features noted in this Thinking Style Profile may be a final way of validating the preferences that you established early on in your life. In other words, you may find that another one of the sixteen Thinking Style Profiles is a better fit for what your actual predispositions may be. If you find yourself doubting that this profile is a good fit for you, you should consult a qualified MBTI® professional to help you validate your testing results. You can also seek out the assistance of Dr. Church by logging on to his website at