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Dream Psychology

Author: Sigmund Freud

Publisher: East India Publishing
ISBN 10: 1774260034
ISBN 13: 978-1774260036

Publisher: Wentworth Press
ISBN 10: 1374615080
ISBN 13: 978-1374615083

“Dream Psychology,” by Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud was first published in 1920. Sigmund Freud’s book explains how to interpret dreams and in doing so, unlock the hidden desires of the mind and our true nature as human beings. Freud argues all dreams hide an inner meaning or some deep desire of the subconscious. Every dream has a connection to reality, where what one does, thinks, and feels in a day has a direct impact on their dreams. Having introduced the theory of the Oedipus Complex and other ground-breaking psychological theories in this work, “Dream Psychology,” was a fundamental book for Freud’s career as it established him as the founder of psychoanalysis. Though it took over eight years to gain momentum, Freud's “Dream Psychology” has remained a fundamental work in the study of dream analysis for over a century.