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How To Analyze People: Analyzing The Narcissistic Mother

Author: Jason Browne

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1707648190
ISBN 13: 978-1707648191

A mother’s love is like no other… Unfortunately, sometimes a mother can also be highly damaging for her child - you.

Have you noticed that your mother seems hard to calm down, like she holds anger and grudges for ages?

How many times have you been annoyed by her patronizing comments… this month?

Were you recently forced to thank her, even though she didn’t do anything special… again?

If you noticed those traits in her, you may be in quite a danger - you’re dealing with a narcissistic mother. At first glance, it doesn’t sound too bad, sure. But think about that - her toxic, draining behaviors have probably been affecting you since childhood. You can only imagine the amount of trauma you carry…

Let’s say your friendships or relationships fail - and too often for it to be a coincidence or pure bad luck. Maybe people call you out for being bossy, demanding and domineering? Or the opposite - they think you’re indecisive, gutless? If so, you may have been affected by your own mother’s narcissism without realizing it.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is not all that common - an estimated 1% of the population suffers from it, with two out of three of those people being men. But that’s exactly the danger here - narcissism in women can often get overlooked. And since the mother is usually the one spending more time with her child… You do the maths.

Make sure you can break the cycle.

It’s not just your mother’s problem - now that you’re an adult, it’s yours.

Her issues may have gotten transferred to you, they shaped you and you have to deal with the consequences. From snarky comments that ruin your self-esteem, to gaslighting and constant fear of repeating her mistakes with your own children, you live in a constant state of emotional trauma.

Thankfully, there are not only ways in which you can recognize the symptoms in her and yourself - but there’s also a set of guidelines for you to crush the shackles that stop you from being happy and… yourself.

In How to Analyze People, you will discover:

  • Me, me, me: Warning signs of a toxic relationship
  • 12 failsafe signs you were raised by a narcissistic mother
  • 5 main effects her disorder might have had on you
  • Powerful advice to heal from your invisible wounds
  • The fatal consequences if you ignore your emotional trauma
  • How to avoid fear and insecurity in terms of parenting on your own
  • How your father, siblings and other family members may have contributed to your harm
  • Whether it’s better to break apart from your family or stay close together against her
  • How to “break up” with your narcissistic mother
  • How a narcissist manipulates those around her constantly
  • How to differentiate the actual case of NPD from simple traits

And much more.

Dealing with your trauma is painful. After all, we are talking about your own mother. It may seem daunting - even unthinkable - to stand up to her and confront her. That’s probably because she conditioned you to think she’s always right. The sooner you realize the truth of it all, the better for you! Equip yourself with this guideline and follow it to finally achieve peace of mind.

Remember - nobody is without faults. And those who tell you they are, probably have the most of them. Never again fall for nasty mental tricks. You are no longer someone else’s puppet. Prepare yourself for a winning battle, because now you have a detailed roadmap to deal with it all.

Break free from the toxic meddling of your mother - discover how to deal with her narcissism by clicking “Add to cart” and regaining your sense of self.