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Rewire Your Brain: The Perfect Guide For Chaging Your Mind And Developing Excellent Habits For Success 2 BOOKS IN 1: Improve Your Brain Power In Only 10 Days + Open Mindset

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Author: Steven McRyan

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1679463861
ISBN 13: 978-1679463860

“Carefully watch your thoughts, for they become your words. Manage and watch your words, for they will become your actions. Consider and judge your actions, for they have become your habits. Acknowledge and watch your habits, for they shall become your values. Understand and embrace your values, for they become your destiny” Mahatma Gandhi

This amazing book set includes:

1 Book Improve Your Brain Power In Only 10 Days

In it, you will learn:

  • Ways to train your brain to utilize 100 percent of your brain capacity, rather than the 20 percent that the average person uses
  • Nifty tricks and fun games for improving memory, speed reading, and accelerated learning to make it enjoyable to achieve maximum brain performance
  • Steps to boost your brain power using mind-enhancing food and meditation
  • Methods to save hundreds or thousands of hours of your own time over the course of your life by learning speed reading tips and memory improvement tricks that will reduce study time, get your homework done faster, and increase knowledge learned and books read
  • Ways how seeking your higher self allows for optimum brain function and maximum memory improvement with the seven chakras and brain wave vibration training
  • Methods to reduce memory loss associated with aging
  • Brain improvement for kids - increase reading confidence, improve test scores, and make reading fun for kids that don't like to read

And much more!

2 Book Open Mindset

In it, you will learn:

  • The power of mindset in influencing how far you go in life, including the 3 types of mindsets and how each one determines success or failure in life
  • Why your mindset is to blame for everything you are struggling with today
  • Fixed belief systems and mindsets that have no place in your personal transformation journey
  • How changing your mindset can be all you need to stop going in circles as far as personal development is concerned
  • The scientific explanation of why mindset is a key ingredient in everyone’s life
  • 3 powerful steps you can take to grow your mindset
  • 8 secret principles that describe the underlying nature оf mindѕеtѕ
  • How to grow a positive mindset and stop feeding negativity in 10 different ways
  • How to overcome any challenges you may be experiencing with your mindset
  • 5 powerful ways to shift your mindset so that you can see the change you so much desire
  • How to grow your growth mindset in 7 ways without trying too hard
  • How to instill a growth mindset in your workplace
  • How to introduce a growth and open mindset in every aspect of your life
  • Thе 7 dеаdlу enеmiеѕ оf gоаl-achievement success
  • Exercises that will help put you squarely on the success journey
  • Simple conversations you can have with yourself and others that CHANGE EVERYTHING

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