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Work Motivation: Past, Present and Future (SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series)

Author: Ruth Kanfer

Publisher: Routledge

ISBN 10: 0415653355
ISBN 13: 978-0415653350

ISBN 10: 0805857451
ISBN 13: 978-0805857450

This edited volume in SIOP's Organizational Frontiers Series presents the current thinking and research on the important area of motivation.Work Motivation is a central issue in Industrial organizational psychology, human resource management and organizational behavior. In this volume the editors and authors show that motivation must be seen as a multi-level phenomenon where individual, group, organizational and cultural variables must be considered to truly understand it. The book adopts an overall framework that encompasses "internal" - from the person - forces and "external" - from the immediate and more distant environment - forces. It is destined to challenge scholars of organizations to give renewed emphasis and attention to advancing our understanding of motivation in work situations.