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Emotional Intelligence: Develop Extraordinary Relationships, People Skills, and Social Skills (Human Psychology)

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Author: Theresa Chang

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1676076220
ISBN 13: 978-1676076223

★ ★ Buy the Paperback version of this book, and get the kindle eBook version included for FREE**For the longest time, people believed that book smarts were the key to success. They'd throw themselves into books and ignore other areas of their lives. This resulted in masses with high IQ but poor social skills. The high IQ fellas must have sensed that something was wrong with them. At that point, it was clear that success wasn't influenced by your capacity to cram books alone. You need to be able to connect with other human beings, and one of the ways to develop this skill was through the acquisition of emotional intelligence. Thankfully, emotional intelligence isn't an innate trait. This means that anyone that wills may develop this skill and improve their capacity to connect with other human beings. This book delves into the subject of emotional intelligence and explores the techniques that people may utilize to develop various aspects of emotional intelligence. The book explores the magic of emotional intelligence and reveals the gains of acquiring this skill.