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Recovery 101: 101 Positive Affirmations for Daily Meditation

Author: Bill Jaycross-Well, Ph.D.

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1540685071
ISBN 13: 978-1540685070

It has been said that one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.

While this well-known maxim is true for anyone, it’s even more important if you are trying to overcome an alcohol or drug addiction.

The truth is, having a positive mindset is often found to make a major difference between conquering an addiction versus having another relapse. So, it’s safe to say that anything you can do to help elicit a more positive way of thinking should always be considered.

That’s where the magic of RECOVERY 101 comes in. It is a unique collection of 101 positive affirmations that allow you to start each morning right by taking the time to contemplate, meditate, and appreciate your life.

Whether you choose to read a single quote per day, a whole section, or the entire list; let the positive affirmations of RECOVERY 101 get you started today toward the better life that you deserve.