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Taming the Feast Beast: How to Recognize the Voice of Fatness and End Your Struggle with Food Forever

Author: Jack Trimpey

Publisher: Dell

ISBN 10: 0440507243
ISBN 13: 978-0440507246

Past experiences, emotional trauma, and “predisposition” don’t put on pounds . . . incorrect eating does. Based upon the overwhelmingly successful principles of Rational Recovery Systems, a program that has totally revolutionized the field of addiction care, Taming the Feast Beast shows you how to stop gaining weight by gaining insight into the erroneous beliefs that compel you to eat.

Whatever your present weight, whatever the “reason” for your tendency to gain, you can lose pounds permanently . . . without expensive programs, sponsors, or even the approval of others! Taming the Feast Beast will change the way you think about food forever. It is a bold and transformational guide that gives you the tools to:

• Identify and defeat the inner voice that compels you to overeat
• Maintain your self-esteem, even when you don’t maintain your diet
• Dispel the myths of “codependency,” “comfort food,” and other fallacies that keep you fat
• Lose all the weight you want—without support groups and restrictive diet programs