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The Smoker's Prayer: The Spiritual Healing of Tobacco Addiction with or without Chantix, Nicotine Patches, Hypnosis, Jail Time or Duct Tape

Author: Bear Jack Gebhardt

Publisher: Seven Traditions Press

ISBN 10: 1938651057
ISBN 13: 978-1938651052

"Prayer simply means taking a moment to open up to the deeper reality here unfolding." Smokers: Is tobacco addiction still hanging on? Maybe even in spite of Chantix. Nicotine Patches, hypnosis and years of trying to quit smoking? Think you don’t have a prayer? Yes you do! The Smoker’s Prayer – The Spiritual Healing of Tobacco Addiction with or without Chantix, Nicotine Patches, Hypnosis, Jail Time or Duct Tape is the easiest, most light-hearted and most effective stop smoking method ever invented! Guaranteed! It was written not only for believers, (especially believers in Ekhart Tolle, Byron Katie, Gangaji, non-duality, the Ramana Maharshi lineage and the Contemplative "Centering Prayer" Christian Community,) but also for atheists and agnostics. This approach has proven effective based on thirty years of working with smokers. “So easy and natural and smart, I wish I’d found this twenty years ago.” Written by a Buddhist-Methodist monk, and retired tobacco treatment specialist, this book shows why nicotine is, at most, only 10-15% of the "problem." The real problem is not yours. The real problem is the FALSE DIAGNOSIS offered by the medical-materialist world view that assumes you are a mechanical robot. You are not a robot! You are a full rainbow of wondrous and mysterious curiosities and impulses and attractions and aversions, but the medical-materialist world view sees you as just one particular shade of purple ("addicted to nicotine.") This diagnosis is incomplete, and thus most often does not work! The Smoker's Prayer recognizes that you are (contrary to what you have been told) getting something very vauable out of your smoking behavior-- something restful, very private and nourishing, even strengthening. IT'S NOT ABOUT THE NICOTINE! This book is easy to read and the prayer is easy to practice. BUY THIS BOOK AND SEE FOR YOURSELF! "Reading this book in bed, I fell asleep with a grin on my face!"