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Toxic Faith

Author: Stephen Arterburn

Publisher: Shaw Books
ISBN 10: 0877888256
ISBN 13: 978-0877888253

Publisher: Thomas Nelson Inc
ISBN 10: 0840791151
ISBN 13: 978-0840791153

Experiencing Healing from Painful Spiritual Abuse

When religion becomes a means to avoid or control life, it becomes toxic. Those who possess a toxic faith have stepped across the line from a balanced perspective of God to an unbalanced faith in a weak, powerless or uncaring God. They seek a God to fix every mess, prevent every hurt, and mend every conflict.

Toxic Faith
distinguishes between a healthy faith and a misguided religiosity that traps believers in an addictive practice of religion. It shows how unbalanced ministries, misguided churches, and unscrupulous leaders can lead their followers away from God and into a desolate experience of religion that drives many to despair. Toxic Faith shows readers how to find hope for a return to genuine, healthy faith that can add meaning to life. In the words of the author, “I want to help you throw out that toxic faith and bring you back to the real thing.”